Saturday, February 9, 2008

Losing virginty

A Long journey holding a hazy destination.
But the sound of blue rain drops,
Crash that nostalgic silence.
Grey Hills of deaf pain,
Squeezing that green soul,
Drinking her white fantasies.
Meaningless beats of a forgotten passion
Dancing with the lone attitude._
Desperate words clenching in my eyes,
And a Strom of seeking tears,
Crucifies a survival song
On a glass slab.
Obscure trials to reach my old shawl.
Dry unscented skin,
Yearns to embrace lime breaths,
Longs for a salty breeze.
I am holding a rose in the heart.
Waiting for the dew to find me,
Where the music of the sun,
Is No longer played with despair.


Aladdin said...

What a skilful hangout!!

Samar Ali said...

Thanks Alot Aladdin for your comment and for spending sometimes over here reading :) am really glad!